Domain Name related Rules
Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)
- provides 2nd Level Domain Registration, under .CA.
Domain Theft Protection feature is supported for .CA Domain Names.
Additional Information -
For Resellers: Lock feature is supported for .CA Domain Names, while Bulk Lock / Unlock, Suspension and Bulk Suspend / Unsuspend features are not supported.
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Move (push) feature is supported for .CA Domain Names.
Additional InformationMoving or Pushing a Domain Name from a Customer Control Panel to Another
Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)
Registering a .CA domain name requires the Registrant to contract with the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) and agree to the latest version of CIRA's Registrant Agreement.
Additional InformationList of Registrant Policies applicable for Registering a .CA domain name
A .CA Domain Name may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.
A .CA Domain Name does not have a Money Back Grace Period. If for any reason you need to Delete your Domain Name, contact our Support Team at
The Bulk Registration feature not is available for .CA Domain Names.
Additional Information - supports .CA Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) for API users.
Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)
A .CA Domain Name may be Renewed for 1 to 10 years.
Upon Expiry of a .CA Domain Name:
if the .CA Domain Name is not Renewed until 40 days, the Domain Name would get Deleted and would slip into Redemption Grace Period. If the domain name is not restored during this period, the domain name is placed under To Be Released stage, during which it is eligible for re-registration by Registrars on a first-come, first-served basis.
If the domain name is not registered during the To Be Released stage, it will be placed under Pending Delete status for one day and then released for fresh registration.
Additional Information
Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)
Upon Transferring a .CA Domain Name, the Domain Name gets renewed by 1 year.
Typically, a 60 day Transfer Lock is applicable in case of .CA Domain Names. However, on new domain registrations, a 65 day Transfer lock will be applicable.
To Transfer your .CA domain name to, you need to only provide your Domain Transfer Secret / Authorization Key. Once we get confirmation from the Registry that the Domain Transfer Secret / Authorization Key is accurate, the domain name is instantly transferred without the need of receiving additional confirmation from the Registrant / Administrative Contact, via email or FAX.
All .CA Domain Names have a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.
The length of a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code is 6 - 16 characters.
If you wish to transfer your .CA domain from to another Registrar during the Redemption period, contact our Support Team at
The Bulk Transfer feature is not available for .CA Domain Names.
Additional Information
Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)
.CA Domain Names use the .CA Contact Contact database in the system.
.CA Domain Names use the following 3 Contacts:
Registrant Contact which can be either an Individual or a Company.
In case the Registrant Contact is a Company, the Company name itself should be mentioned in the Name field of the Contact. The Company Name field can be filled in as N/A.
Administrative and Technical Contacts which can only be Individuals.
There is no Billing Contact for a .CA domain name.
Accented character usage is supported in the case of creating/editing the following fields in .CA Contacts:
Company Name
All UTF-8 characters are supported in the above-mentioned fields. 1
The State fields will accept Accented characters only if the Country is not in the United States or Canada.
.CA domain names do not support's Privacy Protection feature.
However, a .CA Registrant who has indicated that he/she is an Individual has the option to hide their Contact Details in the Whois Lookup results of their .CA domain name.
Additional InformationHiding/Publishing Contact Details in the Whois of a .CA Domain Name
The .CA Registry validates what information is specified in the Name field of any .CA Contact
You can not modify the Registrant Contact's Name of a .CA domain name. If you wish to modify the Registrant Contact details of your .CA domain name, you need to instead create a new Contact and assign it as the Registrant Contact.
Upon assigning a new Registrant for a .CA domain name, you need to:
agree to the latest version of the .CA Registry's Registrant Agreement.
select which Canadian Presence Requirement Category the Registrant belongs to:
Description Registrant Type Canadian citizen Individual Permanent Resident of Canada Individual Aboriginal Peoples (individuals or groups) indigenous to Canada Individual Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident Individual Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory) Company (Non-Individual) Government or government entity in Canada Company (Non-Individual) Canadian Educational institution Company (Non-Individual) Canadian Unincorporated Association Company (Non-Individual) Canadian Hospital Company (Non-Individual) Partnership Registered in Canada Company (Non-Individual) Trade-mark registered in Canada (by a non-Canadian owner) Company (Non-Individual) Canadian Trade union Company (Non-Individual) Canadian Political party Company (Non-Individual) Canadian Library, Archive or Museum Company (Non-Individual) Trust established in Canada Company (Non-Individual) Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada Company (Non-Individual) Official mark registered in Canada Company (Non-Individual) Her Majesty the Queen Company (Non-Individual)
The Bulk Modify feature is not supported for .CA domain names.
Additional Information
Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)
In case of .CA domain names, each Child Name Server can have only a single IP Address associated with it.
Multiple Child Name Servers can be associated with the same IP Address. However, such Child Name Servers cannot be used together as Name Servers for a .CA domain name.
You can create Child Name Servers as and and associate them with the same IP Address. However, you cannot use and together as Name Servers for
You can create Child Name Servers as and and associate them with the same IP Address. However, you cannot use and together as Name Servers for