Before you Start


You will need to know your PayTM Merchant Identifier, Merchant Key and Website, to add this payment gateway in your Reseller Account. These details are accessible from your PayTM Merchant Account.

Adding a PayTM Gateway in your Reseller Account

Step 1: Log in to your control panel. Learn how.

Step 2:Navigate to the Add Payment Gateway page.

  • Click on Setting > Finance & Billing > Payment Gateway > List/Add.

  • Click on Add a Gateway.

Step 3: Select the PayTM payment gateway.

Click on PayTM.

Step 4: Fill in the required details on the following page.

Your Merchant Details :

  • Merchant Identifier
  • Merchant Key
  • Website



Your Gateway Settings :



  • Gateway Name: This name will be shown to your customers / sub-resellers, when they are about to make a payment. If you would like to be more specific, you can use something like Credit Card Payment or Visa/Mastercard, etc.
  • Collect Payments in: The currency you want to accept payments in. You can check the box for I would like to maintain the currency exchange rate myself if you wish to manually maintain the exchange rate.
  • Enable Gateway For: You can choose to enable the gateway for certain types of transactions only (like Adding Funds or Payments for Invoices/Debit Notes). Moreover, you can restrict the gateway for either Customers or Sub-Resellers, depending on your business model. You can choose from the following options:
    • Type of Transactions:
      • All Transactions: accept all types of transactions from your customers and sub-resellers.
      • Invoices/Debit Notes Only: allow only Invoice and Debit note payments.
      • Adding Funds only: allow your customers and sub-resellers to use this gateway to add funds only.
      • No Transactions: will disable the gateway for your customers and sub-resellers.
    • Enabled For:
      • All Customers / All Resellers
      • Specific Customers / Specific Resellers
      • Customers from certain countries / Resellers from certain countries